People have to understand once and for all: education is fun! And useful. And extremely satisfactory. And useful! Did we already say ‘useful’? Well, that’s because it’s true: education = equality, higher living standards, plus better income. It is especially true today, in the 21st century, because everyone has to be educated if he or she wants to build a career, earn decent money, and be surrounded by nice and affluent people. There is a direct correlation between the level of societal education in a country and its GDP, happiness, and technological & economic levels. To view the opposite, take a look at North Korea, Pol Pot’s regime-time Vietnam, current Nigeria, Russia, Somalia, or Mauritania… There are about 20 countries in the world with the lowest levels of education of their population, which directly results in their low level of life, extremely low cultural level, and the absence of local sciences and production, which makes their life levels in general so low that they literally live on dumps or wildernesses.
And that’s why it is useful and encouraged to play online educational games for free on our website. They teach many skills and knowledge, as well as test the knowledge that you already have. That can be math, geometry, reaction, thinking, brushing teeth, making some food or building buildings, dressing, choosing the right solution to the situation, visiting a doctor’s office, showing your hard and soft skills, composing words from letters, and doing many more other actions, which lead to victory in this or that free educational game and demonstration of your knowledge.
In your journey through educational online games, you are helped with various well-recognizable characters and heroes, like Ladybug, Santa Claus, Flash, Rapunzel, Dora the Explorer, Among Us, Talking Angela, Hello Kitty, and many others.