Ninjas were the warriors who were keen on martial arts and unconventional acrobatic movements (and athletic activity, which is today called parkour). They were able to complete various assignments, being hired by private people, companies, and governments, such as:
• fighting
• bodyguarding
• ambushing
• deceiving
• infiltrating
• espionage
• reconnaissance
• other mercenary assignments.
Although it is broadly believed that ninjas only existed between the 12th and 17th centuries, they actually exist today. In Japan, there are several ninja schools, and their craft is still passed over the generations.
They are depicted differently in pop culture, particularly, in films, which popularized them in the 20th and 21st centuries: both as good and as bad. But no matter what they were (probably, they were both, depending on a particular assignment), they were and are truly a very dangerous power. Those hirers of ninjas were able to make grand things thanks to their involvement in tasks, which a regular army or individual assassins would not cope with.
Today, they are mostly skilled and powerful bodyguards responsible for protecting important people but they might also be (unofficially) attracted to perform the ‘dirty work’ and assignments connected to politics and business.
We completely realize the popularity of ninjas and so, this catalog of ninja free online games represents those warriors to your attention. Playing ninja online free games, you can overcome enemies, make foods ninja-style, slice fruits, veggies, and other objects, participate in street fighting, do sports, show martial arts, and even do such things, which are only remotely connected to ninjas (like creating/combating ninja viruses, as you can do in the online ninja game called the ‘Virus Ninja’).
Playing these, you can demonstrate your agility, swiftness of thinking, jumping, the precision of an eye, and other skills.