Show us at least one person whom you know who does not like to paint! Or color-up. Who has never drawn pictures in his or her notebooks, books, on pieces of paper, during periods of boredom, or because a pen or pencil was under a hand and they simply started sliding these on paper. If such a person does exist, he or she must be someone without an inner core, strivings, desires, dreams, or imagination. We aren’t collecting free painting games in our catalog for such people — we’re collecting them for you, our dear lovers of painting, coloring-up, and expressing yourself through painting.
There are several types of tools, which people use to paint:
• pencil
• pen
• brush
• marker pen
• paint roller
• sponge
• and generally a piece of anything that paints because it is naturally colored.
There are also other instruments, like professional ones, but we’re not considering them here since they are not tools anymore but gadgets (paint spraying machines, as an example).
In the free painting online games, the tools used to conduct the process vary but their control happens with a finger or several fingers. If you’re utilizing not a touchscreen device but one, which is operated by a keyboard and a mouse, then a mouse becomes your guide to the world of painting.
With the collected freely playable painting games, a player can create pictures from scratch or use templates positioned on canvas of various sorts: paper, cloth, or some abstract background. You could even use someone’s face to express yourself! That’s the case in the game ‘Superhero Violet Summer Excursion’ or ‘Dotted Girl Halloween Makeup’. By the way, makeup is one of the forms of painting but the canvas is the face, on which you draw something really beautiful and unique. And changeable every day!